Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Happy Martin Luther King day... We as American People need to stand up.

On the Day Before Martin Luther King Day, today, I listened to Senator Nancy Schaefer give a speech about how corrupt our government is... About how CPS (Child Protective Services) is given money to take kids away from parents. This amounts to Modern Slavery in the United States under the Color of Law (Appearance of the Law and Serving the Community).
I suggest you take a moment to listen to this speech.

Children raised in foster care and state ran orphanages have a rate of Post Traumatic Stree Disorder highef then veterans returning from war. How is this form of modern American slavery and being paid to kidnap children for financial incentives, monetary gain through bonuses for length of time that children held and number of children seized, even legal in the United States of America?

The same people screaming for women's rights, don't care about the rights of women to be mothers. As much as I accept my transsexual friends has appearing to look like women and, even address them as women, they cannot be mothers. They can love a child and raise it but, they cannot give birth to it... That is something only a natural woman by birth can do. Yet these Women's Rights groups often ignore this, why?

The same people screaming Black Lives Matter when a cop shoots an adult, are silent over this very matter. If Black Lives Matter and, locking up adults in prison cells is likened to slavery, why aren't the same black children abducted by CPS called out as if they matter and, their separation from their families likened to slavery? Why isn't Antifa protesting the facism of CPS? Why aren't professional Athletes kneeling in protest of this corruption in legal human trafficking, broken homes and CPS legally kidnapping children from Parents for finacial incentives?
Martin Luther King was slandered, beaten, imprisoned, hosed, maced, attacked with dogs and eventually assassinated. The FBI Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) was developed to stop communism and used to attempt to him and his message. But, he left his mark and we celebrate his life today. Dr. King was a leader, he marched from the front and lead those who trusted him into suffering to bring attention to racial inequality of American Rights. He suffered first and along side those who trusted him and, followed him. If you are an American and believe that we should protect all of our nation's children, parents and parent's rights as protection of All American Families. We need to stand together against this form of modern slavery. Otherwise, to say All Lives Matter is a lie meant to undermine the Message of Black Lives Matter and, discredit the overall message of Police, CPS and Court Corruption.

Why am I telling you this? Because I have been a victim of said corruption, even wrote a book about it, Never Back Down, I am suing Kristen Keller for fabricating evidence to discredit me and, lying in press releases and news interviews to make me seem unstable. Yet spending a decade fighting this corruption, I showed I am a leader... I lead the way, not because anyone followed me but, because I went at it alone. I am no Martin Luther King but, I donlook to the example he set, as well as Malcolm X and others, who's message and philosophies are just as American and, just as important to American History and American Culture as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and John Adams.

I have stood up to corruption and, all Americans need to come togather to fight it. I will not tell you do anything I have not done, myself. I achieved my token victories against internet tough guys in the  online martial arts community (who cares, right?), I have interviewed William Williams who used Black Dragon Ninjitsu methods Standing with Standing Rock, showing this isn't just me who make these methods work (William Williams learned these methods from the Book Black Dragon Ninjitsu.

Americas children are our nation's future &, I don't care about skin color, religion, political party or anything else... This is our Nation and if we want to make better, as everyone claims, we need to work together. If you allow our future to be stolen what does this say about our future and ourselves? We cannot be followers, do not follow me. We must be leaders and, lead the way for the people who can't, like these children, against Judical Corruption and kidnapping of Ameican children under the color of Law.

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