Monday, December 25, 2017

Interview with Warlock Asylum coming soon...

A couple years ago I was enterviewed by Warlock Asylum, concerning my struggles with certain members of the Bujinkan and my dealings with corrupt officials and false arrests and harassment by the police. I am currently waiting on federal lawsuit to clear my name and an interview with National Child Protective Services Reform organisation here in WV.

So while I wish to make the move to being a better person, I am going to leave the drama aside. I want to Interview Messiah'el Bey of the Art of Ninzuwu.

I want to look at Shamanism, Satanism, Occultism and Martial Arts. While I often describe martial arts cults as Martial Arts Systems used to indoctrinate a student unwittingly into an alternative religious ideology. Ninzuwu is a Shamanistic religion that uses martial arts as a  form of religious training. This might seem a bit of a semantic difference but, it is an important semantic difference.

Ninzuwu does not, need to draw people into a religious practice through "cultural traditionals" or entice them with "learning a martial art." Ninzuwu draws you by teaching you a spiritual path, martial arts is a part of training for this path. Messiah’el Bey offers some interesting insights and perspectives into Ninzuwu, the Simon Necronomicon and life in general.

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