Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Un-Appologetic Ron: Love me or Hate me, I am who I am...

Trigger Warning:
I am going to drop a bunch of "N-Bombs" just for the sake of explaining having done so before and, after that, I am going to do a lot of explaining... Ok, I want everyone to get this straight, through their heads right now. I am working to Offend you & I am pulling no Punches. I don't feel that I am trying to harm anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. However, I am not trying to tip toe around those feelings, either... Malcolm-X said that nothing in our nation could be resolved, until the "White Man" was willing to sit down at a Table with "Black Man" and have a conversation without fear of offending the other. So since there are so, many people trying to turn me into the "bad guy" let me be the "bad guy" and do the right thing that "good guy" can do... Let me have an Un-Apologetic, Honest & Upfront  Conversation about me, what I said and why I said it.

To those who will feel the sting of that verbal knife... Allow me to Apologize, I do not mean to offend you or, cause you any emotional pain. I am simply stating the truth, as I see it. I am going to be honest and, brutally so. I am going to say things that may offend you or, make you think of the "Stereo-Types" we are taught to think of from the media, news and the propaganda machine we have influencing out lives. I am simply saying, it is not my intent to harm anyone or, hurt anyone. If you are an un-intended victim of my Honesty, I apologize to you &, I honestly hope and pray you can accept my apology...

Except Brennan Cleveland, fuck Brennan Cleveland! I said what, I said and, what I meant to say!

The Un-Apologetic Ron Collins:

I am uploading a video on Youtube Today (9/5/2017), it will likely go live tomorrow... It was recorded last night. It is in reference to the comment I made about Brennan Cleveland, were I called Brennan Cleveland a "House Nigger." Now as I stated somewhere else online, to Brennan Cleveland on YouTube I believe, when he called me a "Nigger" that being called a "Nigger" didn't bother me... Allow me to explain why being called a "nigger" doesn't bother me... I am a Nigger. I am the motherfucking field nigger.
Let me explain, Malcolm-X once gave a Speech where he talked about the mentality of people in America, he spoke of two mentalities. The house nigger and the field nigger. Now, Malcolm-X in his own words went on to use the terms to define not just "Black People" but, White People as well... See you have to understand what the word "Nigger" means, remember when Bill Maher said he was a "House Nigger" trying to be funny & Ice Cube told him "Its become our word" and he also says it is like "a Knife" being used against black people whenever a white person says it. Personally, I don't think even Black Americans should it, the term is a reference to when Blacks were bought and sold as slaves, treated as less then human... You are literally calling someone less then human. It is the lowest form of insult, you can deliver to someone and, Black Americans have had to carry it for last 100+ years.

Now allow me to point out something here, I said to Brennan Cleveland and Brennan Cleveland alone. I hate seeing, young Black Americans using the term, because they are basically calling each other less then human, human cattle and animals. These are young people who think, calling themselves trash is empowering... It shows you the scope of brain washing that many Black Americans have been victims of by Mainstream Media Propaganda Machine. And when I called Brennan Cleveland, and Brennan Cleveland alone a "House Nigger," I wanted it to hurt his feelings. I wanted it, to open an old & deep childhood emotional wound because his manner and, the things he said has hinted that he is ashamed of being black... I even called him on it, if you read the comments on my videos... How do I know about aspect of his life and, be able to relate to it is quite interesting... I have had similar experiences.

In all Honesty, we have more in common with each other, then either of would be comfortable to admit. But, this is Ron Collins and the whole point of being brutally honest, is to admit the things I don't really want to get into.

Here is an Hour and twenty something raw footage video, up loaded on YouTube as an unlisted video. This is Raw Footage of where my friend and a former student of mine Marlo and his brother Erique were falsely arrested and harassed by the cops, because of me. Yeah, my little stunt got them off... But, it made me a larger target then I wanted to be... I literally put, my life at risk to defend my friends. I am not saying "I am not a Racist as Brennan, Don Roley & even Frank Dux claim because I defended an innocent Black Man." and I am not saying that "I am not Racist because I willingly and, knowingly, put my life in greater danger to defend Innocent Black Men." I am saying "I am not Racist, because I knowingly and willingly, defended two innocent men and, put my life in greater danger doing so... their skin had nothing to do with it." I consider Marlo, family... You know how you have family that shares blood with you and shit on you worse then strangers do but, you got that friend that you love like a brother and with take a bullet for, or go through hell for. Because they are family, the person you will suffer for because they are Family? Well, that's Marlo...
What you are seeing in the Video above, is all new evidence, that I had to go through Hell to get, to show corruption and criminality. I had to get this new evidence because my computers were stolen under and, appearance of the law.

Here is the video, where I explain myself and my reasons behind the statement I made to Brennan Cleveland. You see I called Brennan Cleveland a House Nigger, about 3 or 4 months ago. And I said it, again when he showed himself months later... Trying to distract us all from my calling Don Roley out. Now I gotta check with different Dojos & see if anyone hear will host a "Sparring Match" between me and Don Roley.

What is funny is that Brennan Cleveland got on Street Beefs &, challenged me from Itaewon, South Korea. Lordus Sapiens has claimed to be 3,000 miles away. That's about the other side of the Planet & Brennan may or may not be able to take leave (if he is still in the US Army) or, get time off his English school teacher job (if he stayed after his ETS) to come and, fight me in Virginia. As I told, Don Roley I am not going to chase him. When I suggested Brennan come to Beckley, because I didn't want to chase him... He said he wouldn't so, you have a person who wants to fight me and claims he is willing to die to beat me, but he ain't willing to come to Beckley, West Virginia and fight me...

Well if that ain't some House Nigger ass Bull Shit, I don't know what is...
Going to an organization that is all about settling issues and, letting people get shit out their systems, to try to cause people to turn against me for, what? The color of my skin? And it gets better that Brennan is a Bujinkan Supporter. Anyone who does any real research into the Bujinkan knows that the Bujinkan is not a koryu organization. More importantly is that one of the red flags for the Bujinkan as a less then legitimate (bull shit) organization is the fact that all other Koryu Schools in Japan claim a more direct lineage or link to China, and that while the Bujinkan does offer some lip service here... It also, has a uniquely Koryu claim to almost preaching Japanese superiority which was more common during the later modern Japan prior to the first and second Sino Wars leading into World War Two...

So, I am not going to Apologize to Brennan Cleveland... To anyone else, who was offended, as "collateral damage." I am sorry... He tried that as a way of pulling out of fighting me on Street Beefs, which means I doubt he could have been there when he says he could have been... Which makes me believe the whole affair on Street Beefs was a "political stunt" by Brennan Cleveland to try to drive a wedge between me and minorities in America. People who often have suffered the same abuses of power that I have from the police and the courts. If I could get on the net or TV and make an apology as a spokesman for "White America" and erase over two centuries of murder, pain, tragedy, distrust and abuses, I would. I don't have that power.

See, I am not trying to spin shit... I am not trying to explain it away, I said what I said &, I stand by it. YOU Brennan Cleveland are acting like Malcolm-X's very definition of House Nigger... You are doing what a House Nigger does, cover "for master" and keep the "field niggers" fighting among themselves. But, you aren't alone in that Brennan. We have all kinds of groups doing that for us, well here in America. Malcolm-X eluded to a greater, America the Great Plantation metaphor. And, it is something that we can look back on &, see the truth he was trying to reveal...

See Brennan, I can point to people like you &, and organizations he are defending. The martial arts internet drama bull shit you are playing &, point out Brennan our problems didn't start with me calling you a house nigger, they started when I said the Bujinkan was ineffective. They started when, I made an appearance on Ninja Quest. They started when, I didn't agree with you and supported, openly support Ashida Kim as being a better and more closely historical source of modern ninjutsu then Hatsumi. And, like a good little house nigger Brennan, you are trying to use your skin tone to "fit in" and convince people to listen to your lies... So thing is this Brennan, you are a "Black Man" have no choice but to kick my ass and come here & do it... Make any excuses you want, so you in Korea or, whatever... You gotta, beat my ass...
For, everyone else... I said what I said, I meant what I said & you can like or, not... However, in less then a decade we have been pushed back decades of peace &, Malcolm-X was right... We can't solve the problem in America of dealing with race, until we sit down and have an honest discussion without fear of offending each other. If my bluntness offends you I don't care, if my use of word that brings you great pain and, triggers memories of traumatic experiences... I am sorry. Unless you are Brennan Cleveland.

However, since Brennan and, others (Frankie Fucking Douche including) are trying to make this about skin tone and "race." Why don't we take my unapologetic moment to do some good... Lets, have that unapologetic, brutally honest & offensive conversation about race in America. I am not a civil rights leader but, I do see what is happening to my country and I want to save America from cannibalizing itself...

Videos Referenced in the Description of the YouTube Video:

Malcolm-X Speech about House Niggers & Field Niggers:
How Black Americans are used by White Liberals:

Malcolm-X & Martin Luther King "Video" Idea Debate:

A Raw Footage Video of the Raleigh County Prosecutor & the Police making excuses for Police fabricating Evidence & trying to not receive Exculpatory Evidence when they harassed my students/friends:

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