Wednesday, September 27, 2017

American Kokuryukai: It is what comes Next...

I have been teasing this for a while and a few people in the inside know everything I am talking about was in the works back in 2016.

It was hinted at with the book Legacy of the Kokuryukai. The American Kokuryukai is a project bridging martial arts & ninjutsu, it takes into account that Ninjutsu is a) Not a Martial Art and b) Ninjutsu Espionage and Scout Craft.

Ninjutsu can be applied to any martial art and, historically speaking there were "guarden shinobi" these were formally known as Oniwaban or spies... They worked in groups known as Kobushikata and were established during the 8th Tokugawa Shogun. A group of poorly trained spies, the kobushikata was lead by a Oniwaban (a professional spy) who reported directly or indirectly to someone in the Shogun's to report to the Shogun.

This is a concept based on the Genin, Chunin and Jonin concept of ninjutsu. Genin are "low people" trained on an as needed basis. A peasant farmer used as a native agent to warn, a shinobi observer is an example of both a Kobushikata and a Genin. As well as a court gardener or, maid listen in and spy on a Lord's conversations. Martial arts was never actually a requirement, except to the Samurai who managed such things.

This is the basic concept behind the American Kokuryukai concept... I use the name American Kokuryukai, because it is based on the methods of Omoto Ryu Budo which contained Ninjutsu training... Fujibayashi even stated that the terms for shinobi have changed at different times throughout history (page 19 of Book of the Ninja: The First Complete Translation of the Bansenshukai by Antony Cummins & Yoshoe Minami), so ninja weren't always called ninja and, still performed ninjutsu. Hence why at a later period, the term Genin (low man or low person) became Kobuskikata or, Code or Covered up Groups of lower class agents who often worked as gardeners, field labor, general unskilled labor, etc. and, why Oniwaban were sometimes referred to as Ninja or Shinobi. In fact, some Historical Sources say that Oniwaban were Iga & Koga Ninja/Shinobi employed by the Tokugawa Shogunate. Some Shinobi or Ninja were simple low status Ashigaru (foot soldiers) sent ahead to scout out the enemy and called Kusamono or Grass Men. So called because of their talent for hiding in tall grass and moving through it without being detected, basically infantry scouts.

The American Kokuryukai is a cross between an Adventure School, Martial Arts fraternity & Secret Society... Membership allows those trained in any martial arts system or, self-defense form to cross train with other systems. It also always them to practice ninjutsu, as an espionage system, attend various specialty camps. Now here is the kicker... You don't tell anyone you are American Kokuryukai. This is to a maintain the Cloak & Dagger atmosphere one does not tell people you are a ninja, and if you do you do so and show only what

It is Black Dragon Ninjitsu without any martial arts system & able to be applied to any other system of fighting. So why tell you this is what comes next? Because I have laid the ground work for the system. And anyone interested should feel free to contact me for membership at

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