Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Don Roley, Deletes his own Comments to Fight me in WV

So this blog is going to be sweet and simple, I am currently uploading the Unapologetic Ron Collins video on YouTube... I suggest you watch it, it will explain why I called Brennan Cleveland a "House Nigger" and has a link to the infamous Malcolm-X Speech, where Malcolm-X spoke of the different mental states of the House Slave and the Field Slave. While speaking to his fellow Black Americans (I hate the term African American, you are American, I am American and we need to come together as Americans but, I am digressing) and if you listen to his whole speech, Malcolm-X didn't limit his speech and the mentality he was referring to, to simply his Fellow Black Americans...

My Phone bill is due the 3rd of the month and I only paid it today (9/5/2017) as I write this... The reason I haven't been about to get online is because I on the road and have spent a few days in Princeton WV without phone service. In any event Don Roley or someone using a troll account, now claims Don Roley has accepted my challenge to come to Beckley, West Virginia and, fight me...

We shall see, won't we...

So Stuart Wrait, someone's troll account, notice Don isn't making a video... Pops up saying, he will fight me in Beckley WV on October 23rd between 1pm and 3pm... Ok.

So here, Don Roley says he will come fight me, but this message has been deleted... Allegedly by me. And, I will show you all something about this because I should still have a notice for it on Youtube when I check my notifications today. This image is the image sent to be my Stuart Wraith.

And here is Don Roley's own comments... He is trying to champion the black people... Kinda reminds me of the Democrats and Republicians making promises to people they don't give a damn about anyway to get the "Black Vote." In either case, he won't risk jail time... Really?

See what makes this fun is that we have one image of Don Roley claiming he will fight me and and another set from a day ago posted by Don Roley's troll account, Simon Edwards... This way if (more likely when Don Roley doesn't show up), he can claim someone else said it... I love how now, both Dux and Don Roley are trying to "defend the black man" want to ignore the issues of corruption & criminality that not only effected me but, effects them... actually, both Don Roley & Frank Dux have done more to show why Brennan Cleveland is the "House Nigger" I called him when I referenced a mindset first described by Malcolm-X.

In either, event...

Don Roley's own post saying he wants to fight me and will come to Beckley WV to fight me... Now I have to start calling around to Gyms and Schools. See I think, Don Roley, thought I got ran off the internet for that little "House Nigger" comment. Bet, Don Roley thought I was gone and wanted to pump himself up and act tough... Problem with that Don, is that I am Right HERE & YOU can come yapping at my heels, like you did in Colorado but, Since you coming to me. You got no where to hide... #ninjamindfuck
End Update:

Game on!!!
Course, now I don't have to worry about holding back or, hiding what I can really do.


  1. See you are not Malcom X or black.
    You don't have the right to call no black man a House Nigger.
    Especially behind a keyboard. So no, you are not Malcom X.

    1. Actually, no... Let me ask you something. As a black man does your skin tone give you the right to call another person a Nigger or House Nigger & why?

      Because let me cut to chase and, if you start talking about being black and acting like you had any different a struggle then me because I am white, you are being stupid... The term Nigger was used on Irish White Slaves as well as African Black Slaves, it basically meant you ain't a human being, a person. So nothing gives anyone the right to, treat a person as less then human... Being black ain't got shit to do with it.

    2. See you are deattached from soceity because you have mental issues. Let me give you another example.

      I may call my brother an idiot; but if you call him and idiot or if someone else calls him an idiot. It's a different story.

      When Malcom X(A black civil rights fighter) uses "House Nigger" it is much different than some bald white dude trying to use it towards a black man on youtube in an offensive manner.
      Malcom X is making a point
      You are just being a racist douchebag.

      We are not in Ireland. We are in America. Why are you telling me about slaves from different countries and time periods?
      Point being YOU AIN'T MALCOM X so don't think YOU using "House Nigger" is ok just because HE did it.

      Do you understand it now? Now stop dick tucking. Fight Don. And get your ass kicked.

    3. Haha... Wow you a racist ain't you? What is funny you dumb ass, is that Irish Slaves were slaves in America... Even after we became a nation they had Irish Slaves in America. The British started the slave trade in America when we were colonies and, they did so with the Irish... Well they tried it with the Natives and it work out well.

      I didn't say I was Malcolm-X and, Malcolm-X didn't limit his description on mentalities to simply Black Americans... What you are intentionally over looking, is what Malcolm-X was saying his words and their meaning. Skin tone, being black or white has nothing to do with the words or there meaning or, the character of his comments... For that matter Malcolm-X also said that until a white man and a black man can sit down at the same table and have an honest conversation without fear of offending each other, there can be no true equality...

      If you think me calling Brennan Cleveland a house nigger is perfectly, not ok... Because that is exactly, how he acting... I am not calling all black Americans, or any other black person in the world, what I am calling him. I am calling Brennan and Brennan only...

      Now see you are up here talking about me being a bald white man... Ok. I am a bald white man who is saying Malcolm-X was more correct then we are taught teach in schools, for that sham of alleged equality we call Black History month...

      I am saying that if it offends you that Brennan Cleveland a House Nigger simply because, of the color of my skin but, you have no issues with him defending a organization that preachea the racial superiority of Asians in martial arts you got a problem with your own damn mind... If you take issue to what I said, but not to Brennan Cleveland defending dirty cops and, a corrupt ass court system because, of the color of my skin, well there seems to be a little racial bias, racism, on your part.

      Maybe the propaganda is working and you been drinking too much koolaid (reference to Jim Jones, before you start calling me racist for mentioning koolaid). Here I had assumed that treating a person as they choose to act and, being honest about how I see their actions... How they choose to present themselves...

      Let me put it another way, if I have offended you or, triggered some tragic flash back I am sorry. However, please stop posting that I am not Malcolm-X I simply citing Malcolm-X as the source of said term and, framer of the context of the term. I have no issue continuing to debate with me but, Malcolm-X is dead and I am not.

      You said "See you are deattached from soceity because you have mental issues. Let me give you another example."

      What mental issues are those? That the same state which spent a decade falsely arresting me and, trying to cover it up says I am crazy? That Brennan Cleveland has lied and defended that same system. Which I should point out, also does the same thing to Black Americans out here and that they would benefit as much as myself at having that same system exposed and disrupted? No, of course not... And, yet Brennan and, now you, are defending the same system because its what a white guy saying its fucked up... Starting to see the issue beyond skin tone here?

  2. Were the fuck did I say I was Malcolm-X... You obviously are idiot because Malcolm-X wasn't talking about Skin tone in that Speech, he was talking about Mindset. I don't have to black to have the right to call someone anything I want, it is my right as an American.

    Its your right to disagree but, being black isn't what I was referring to or, what the word has anything to do with. Have fun being ignorant and using your skin tone as an excuse for your own willful ignorance... Its only a reflection on you.

  3. Holding back? Hiding what you really know? Ron, you cant fight. Your a liar and a fraud. Now take your medication.
